Keysight (formerly Agilent) 3458A breaks through the long-term performance barriers in the speed and accuracy of production testing, scientific research and development and calibration laboratories. It is the fastest, most flexible and accurate multimeter provided by Hewlett-Packard Company. In your system or on the workbench, the 3458A saves you time and money with unprecedented test system throughput and accuracy, measurement flexibility of seven functions, and low cost of ownership.
Select the rate of 100,000 readings per second to achieve the maximum test throughput or achieve high transmission accuracy with 81/2-bit measurement resolution and 0.1ppm conversion accuracy. Coupled with the simple operation of the 3458A, you will have an ideal multimeter that meets most test requirements.
High test system throughput
Quick test
Up to 100,000 readings/sec
Internal test setting>340/S
Programmable integration time from 50Ons to 1s
High test efficiency
More accurate small margin test
Up to 8 1/2-bit resolution
Long uptime
Two sources (10V, 10kΩ) calibration, including AC
Auto-calibration of all functions and ranges (including AC) for self-adjustment and self-check
High-resolution digitization
Higher waveform resolution and accuracy
16~24 bit resolution
100,000~0.2 samples/sec
12MHz bandwidth
Time resolution up to 1Ons
Time jitter below 100ps
Memory for more than 75,000 readings
Accuracy of the calibration laboratory
Super delivery metering
8 1/2-bit resolution
0.1 ppm DC voltage linearity
0.1 ppm DC voltage transfer capability
0.01 ppm rms internal noise
Super precision
DC voltage 24 hours 0.6ppm
Resistance 24 hours 2.2ppm
Mid-band AC voltage 100ppm
Voltage reference stability 8ppm per year option (4ppm)
Keysight (formerly Agilent) 3458A multimeter performance characteristics
DC voltage
5 ranges: 0.1V~l000 V
81/2~41/2 bit resolution
Up to 100,000 readings/s (41/2 digits)
High sensitivity: 10nV
24 hours accuracy 0.6ppm
Annual voltage reference stability 8ppm (optional up to 4ppm)
9 ranges: 10Ω~lGΩ
2-wire or 4-wire resistor with offset compensation
Up to 50,000 readings/s (51/2 digits)
High sensitivity: 10μΩ
24-hour accuracy 2.2ppm
AC voltage
6 ranges: 10mV~1000V
Bandwidth 1Hz~10 MHz
Up to 50 readings/s, all readings have the specified accuracy
Sampling technology or simulated true effective value technology can be selected
High precision 100ppm
8 ranges: 100nA~1A
Up to 1350 readings/s (51/2 digits)
High sensitivity: 1pA
24 hours accuracy 14ppm
Alternating current
5 ranges: 100μA~1A
Bandwidth 10 Hz~100 kHz
Up to 50 readings/S
24-hour accuracy 500ppm
Frequency and period
Voltage or current range
Frequency: 1Hz~10MHz
Cycle: 100ns~1s
Accuracy: 0.01%
AC or dc coupling
High reading rate
41/2 digits (l6 bits) 100,000 readings/s
50,000 readings/s at 51/2 digits
6,000 readings/s at 61/2 digits
60 readings/s at 71/2 digits
6 readings/s at 81/2 digits
Measuring system speed
Via GPIB or use internal memory 100,000 readings/s
110 times auto range/s
340 functions or range changes/s
Post-processing mathematical operations from internal memory
Digital function
Keysight (formerly Agilent) 3458A can implement the following mathematical functions for measurement: NULL, SCALE, OFFSET, RMSFILTER, SINGLE POLE FILTER, THERMISTOR LINEARIZATION, DB, DBM, %ERROR, PASS/FAILLIMIT TESTING and STATISTICS. Two math functions can be used at one time.
General index
Working temperature: 0℃~55℃
Warm-up time: Except as specified, all technical indicators will be reached after 4 hours
Temperature range: relative temperature 95%, 0°~40°C
Storage temperature: ~40°~75°C
Power supply: 100/120V, 220/240V±10%, 48~66Hz, 360~420Hz automatic sensing. Fuse 1.5A/115V or 0.5A/230V, <30W, <80VA (peak)
Dimensions: 425.5mm wide × 88.9mm high × 502.9mm deep (16.75 inches × 3.5 inches × 19.8 inches)
Weight: net weight 12kg (26.5 Ib); transportation 14.8kg (32.5 Ib)
3458A multimeter (with GPIB, 20 KB reading memory, 8ppm stability)
Option 001 extended reading memory (expanded total reading 148KB)
Option 002 High stability (4ppm/year) benchmark
Option 1BP MIL~STD~45662A calibration certificate, with data
Option W30 plus 2 years of return Aglent hardware support
Option W32 3 years user return calibration
Standard Option 907 Front Handle Kit
Option 908 Rack Flange Kit
Option 909 Rack Flange Kit (with handle)